Tuesday, 26 September 2017

First decent run + more pics from Chantilly

I have had the Daimler about 2 years now.  Since fitting electronic ignition I am more confident that the car will start, and keep going in the damp (the leads were cracked and caused a misfire at times).  However I have not driven it more than about 30 miles at a time.  We have taken it to pubs, the local tip, Tesco, haircut but no real test.

Last weekend we took it to Newark, about 1.5 hours each way, and the car behaved fine both ways, getting a little warm in traffic, but no particular dramas.  So I decided on Sunday to take it to Suffolk for a few days, a trip that took about 4 hours.  It was an intersting test.  The car is quite low geared so anything about 55/60 gets quite noisy.  The other thing that you notice on a longer run is the heat from the engine starting to seep into the cabin.  And the back of the car groans and clunks over bumps.  I suspect some of the bushes are shot, or there may be a problem with the axle. Now all I have to do is drive it 4 hours back in a few days.  Below is a pic of the car in Suffolk and some more pics from Chantilly

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