Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Classic cars meet the internet

Like most folks with a classic car I cannot wait for spring to arrive so that I can be out on the road again.  In the meantime I have joined various facebook groups aimed at folks who like older cars.  Some have tens of thousands of members.  Most of those who post are men, with a small smattering of women.  And generally if you are not interested in older cars the content will be a bit dull.  However if you are like me you might enjoy the pictures of people's pride and joy, along with descriptions of the work they have undertaken or queries that they raise with others in the group.  On the whole folks are polite, generally supportive and helpful in the main.

However there is a fascinating set of folks involved with these groups who are best could be described as rude and ignorant.  99% of the comments and interactions are positive but this minority turn any discussion about old cars into a rant about the result of the EU referendum (both sides of the argument) or will trash someones pride and joy, because they don't like the wheels or the colour.  This sometimes provokes the poor chap on the wrong end of the comments to say that they are leaving the group and these same individuals then heap more angst on their head heads as they leave.  I cannot work out why this happens, the admin for the groups sometimes throw those involved out, but they are some replaced by others with the same approach.  So this is a plea to those who are tempted to slag off other peoples classic cars - next time you see a picture of a car you don't like, which is the wrong colour or with the wrong wheels, just scroll down, don't tell the world that you think that his car stinks.

Here is a picture of my Daimler, on non-original wire wheels, soon to be fitted with a non-original wooden steering wheel.  It is far from perfect, but I love it.